

Amy Stein Interview and more phototastics.

This looks nice. See more of Alexander Lee here. I dig it. dug it. diggety dug dug.

cupcake of the month

This is the cookie of the month to send to Albuquerque, but its really a cupcake. I've had a craving for carrot cake for about two months now. I need a fix, so I am going to make these ginger carrot cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. mmm deliciousness, except I'm not sure they will really look this fancy.


I seriously can't wait to paint the redhead kid...

My next painting is going to be the scene from Swiss Family Robinson where they all race on the ridiculous plethora of island animals. "Mommy, can I keep the baby elephant?" omg!


Support the biker dad!

Want to donate to a good cause? Support my dad as he rides across California.

"From June 1-7, 2008, I'm bicycling in AIDS/LifeCycle. It's a 7-day, 545-mile bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles to make a world of difference in the lives of people living with HIV and AIDS.

Help me support the San Francisco AIDS Foundation by giving what you can. We'll keep riding until AIDS and HIV are a thing of the past."