
Summer Read In

Grab a beanbag and a juice box and pick up Mark Kurlansky's The Food of a Younger Land. Reviewed and Interviewed here at Good Magazine.

Also, check out:

Zombie Jane Austen

Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri.

And one of my favorite illustrators, Peter Brown's new children's book, The Curious Garden.

And if you have lots of summer reading time, check out BookSlut.

Read Interview with Simon Schama via Barnes and Noble. His novel, Landscape and Memory was a key ingredient in my MFA thesis.

beach braids and mermaids

I like these braids. (via Styletips 101) I love summer hair, it is my favorite. Go to the beach. Dunk head in salt water. Shake. Done.

If you don't have a beach, you can buy this stuff...Sedu Sea Spray.

photo via hanerola

Chic mermaid pin cushon by Beth's Bagz.

Last, but not least. These amazing head bands found via Cup of Jo by Whichgoose.