
Where in the Woods?

Siri Hayes, 2006. Courtesy of Gallerysmith

8 February - 15 March
Opening 7 February, 6-8pm

Featuring new works by four Melbourne-based artists Richard Grigg, Siri Hayes, Amanda Marburg and Mark Rodda Where in the woods? explores how nature acts as an elemental substance within us and how we utilise these untamed aspects to exorcise our myths and our animalistic imaginings. Although this group of artists all have diverse practices and work in a variety of media from photography, painting, video and sculpture, there are many interesting points of convergence and a shared aim to foster a process which is based on exploring the pictorial history of an ‘imagined’ nature in art.

Where in the woods? seeks to objectify the sense of insecurity we sometimes feel when confronted with nature, referencing in turn the artists in history who have created works along these particular lines.

Art as perfectly as it can be understood.


chill in the air

package mine and something fine,
pretty pics and salty licks

I can't wait for fall, I can already taste the leaves beginning to turn
apple cider here we come :)

pic by DG Miller


late summer nights

Just got back from a fantastic trip to Corfu, Greece... will post stories and pics soon, but in the mean time check out Live For the Outdoors

Also, look at this storm.

If you are in Seattle. Lick this.


Summer Read In

Grab a beanbag and a juice box and pick up Mark Kurlansky's The Food of a Younger Land. Reviewed and Interviewed here at Good Magazine.

Also, check out:

Zombie Jane Austen

Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri.

And one of my favorite illustrators, Peter Brown's new children's book, The Curious Garden.

And if you have lots of summer reading time, check out BookSlut.

Read Interview with Simon Schama via Barnes and Noble. His novel, Landscape and Memory was a key ingredient in my MFA thesis.

beach braids and mermaids

I like these braids. (via Styletips 101) I love summer hair, it is my favorite. Go to the beach. Dunk head in salt water. Shake. Done.

If you don't have a beach, you can buy this stuff...Sedu Sea Spray.

photo via hanerola

Chic mermaid pin cushon by Beth's Bagz.

Last, but not least. These amazing head bands found via Cup of Jo by Whichgoose.


it was a sound like a great white river

So, living in Washington State, I have been aware of the One Square Inch project prior to now, but I recently stumbled upon this new blog called, A New Fucking Wilderness. They have a blurb about the project, and so I thought I would follow suit. I plan on hiking up the hoh river trail in a few weeks and will let you know what sort of quiet I experience. There is so much moss all over the Olympics, that very often everything is quite muffled anyway, but I will investigate the special square inch and report on any out of body experiences. I think its very impressive that the local airlines have agreed not to fly over the park.

And as long as we're on the environmental art kick, here is another great site, Ecoarttech. A lot of helpful links and curious posts.

And check out these SUDS (sustainable drainage systems) via thingermejig's photostream

happy tuesday!


Sunday Love

It was such a beautiful day in Tacoma! Sunshine and summer... I spent the day in the garden, planted tomatos, lettuce, eggplants, pole beans and sugar peas... will post progress photos soon I hope!

In the meantime check out this amazing collection of prints amd jewelry at one of my favorite studios, Piano Nobile. Love it!

And what's for supper?

Let's start with desert, this beautiful spring cupcake via Cupcakes Take the Cake...
From New York's Magnolia Bakery, here is the recipe.

Okay, and dinner... I found this site via A Cup of Jo (which is a lovely blog, and I am jealous of her blogging skill!) But, here is the site, its called Sunday Suppers. Really gorgeous photos and all of the recipes make me want to put on my apron asap!

enjoy :)


near and dear

I love Portland. Every time I am lucky enough to have an excuse to make my way south, I am rewarded with finding new bakeries, delicate boutiques and smart outdoor tech shops. Such a great mix of nature and culture, still small enough to feel like its put there just for me. That feeling reminds me of this dress, which reminds me of finding something secret and fresh. Designer SarahSeven's elegant and totally woodland creature frocks hail from Portland where the label is inspired by ..."Old Hollywood Glamor, pearls, recycled fabrics, romance, nature, lace." Tres Portland.

Also, can't help think of my favorite beer, the dead guy ale, which also hails from Stumptown. Looove this brew, and on a warm summer day on an outdoor patio it does not get any better than this.


grass is greener

rooftop lush

this is your future

I want to be here right now.

via Nikki and Michi's photostream. wow. they have been to so many beautiful places!


click click glub glub

This camera from canon looks pretty sweet.

These sanyos look really cool too. Perfecto for summer beach stories...

Yeah, its a commercial, but I don't care... makes me smile.


sleepy dream bed


travel light little trailer, god speed!

I've been looking to purchase an old trailer to travel the country. Actually, I really have my eye on a T@B, which is sort of the luxury trailer de jour. I found this great blog about an art project in Florida while I was searching for airstream info. Check it out...here.

I'm leaning towards eventually converting an old van into a camper, that way I can put my own spin on the unit. And it will be much less expensive... I think.

open dream house love natural wood forest square

Oh yeah, I love this place. Love it. Revamping all the good parts of this 1970's home, Johnsen Schmaling Architects got it so right. I have to say I like the outside better than the inside, its a titch too sleak for me, but still very beautiful!

"The result is a warm, modernist update that embodies their core Midwestern values: simplicity, connection to nature, and strong family ties." See more from this Dwell article.

And then there is this...

The country's best yurt.


artist of the day

I found this on Drawn!, but I really like his paintings. Its Michael Ciervo and his website is here.


If I had a boat I'd ride out in the ocean...

Very cool project. A guy builds a boat out of plastic bottles."Created from a special composite of recycled plastic, de Rothschild's boat is a 60-foot (18-meter) catamaran called Plastiki."

Read all about it here.



Iditarod 2009 is here...which means another lot of crazy people are going to ride across AK attached to doggies. I can't even hold on to one Samoyed let alone twenty four. Check out the race and all the contestants. Some good videos too.

I'm cheering for the Daugereau lady from WA...woohoo!



If I lived in a house
under a white cloud sky
with a forest of thought
and a sparkling swamp
i would share this with you


how things should go

This article in Time about the drug company, Novartis, is an inspiring look at what corporations can and should do more often. bravo.



good article from epicurious about organic pros and cons. Still leaves me undecided, but the commentary at the end is also helpful.

Here is also a funny article about the possibility that Google is covering up Atlantis.


In honor of honorary honerables

Prez Obama plans to publish a weekly video address every Saturday morning of his presidency. Set your laptop next to your space heater, pour yourself a cup of coffee and click here. Striking parallels to FDR's fireside chats. hmmm, ccc camps anyone?

You can hear FDR's radio shows here.

happy president's day!

p.s. shepherd fairey's controversial obamarama poster is ablaze. you can find more here and everywhere.


NYT article about one of my favorite singers Neko Case. Read it here

She went to my high school, but not when I went there, but I still think its cool. There were actually a lot of good singers that came from my school, maybe they will all be famous some day.


a little love